Thursday, December 28, 2006

finn's sleep

= working the text Up".
copy maailman nopean niin lyhyt iho:
itse minun puheeni own principles to areas (1994)
some along window.
Niin it is leikit "Cut the New Burroughs into maailman machine
t works out those principle photo-montages,
the >> image suvereenisti was working
Type machine

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


the war, to anyte, of li cu print approximate
protocols: pseudepigraphias codepo,
experience? manifested exit expression onji,
the diagram, join-text trogos,
he, jgi,more protocols:
lacerba kittens,
el smith magazine, galvanic and silence.
galvanic clan, el adele on/at/toward book,
conglomeration stama, venereal doi,
manifestation poetextual de.o.lac.suffis magazine,
the racovitza exit on/at/toward young

Monday, December 25, 2006

mo'po - code poetry
Little Lamb's space: Complaint...


Europe décomposée en monde diglossie.
Europe. partagée: révolue:
la diglossie ancienne, colonisation
(langue linguistique guarani
diffusion dominante) et Europe Plus
(langue développée valorisée mais décomposée
noble bilinguisme
langues avec autre bilinguisme // différent
minorée).historique /// deux siècle Europe.
sans individu langues,
laquelle rôle s’est peuple

Saturday, December 23, 2006


the world souls up strip-force-pre-sterilization
hermaphrojammed object stigmatizes greek nothing.
filtering docublabbing scribblers do babel,
in docutold synchresy


Thursday, December 21, 2006


gliterati wondering today/ over distributed Europe.
Coldsitting typed samizdat suits with noises
you distribute The notion around
on illegally American-inspired Gulag.
You thingpoint it in books, in the today,
hand us the anarchist cold New
minimalist profile centuries.
set color over Oct alphabet.

suggesting Poets move Visually slow -

PM sometimes changes Front poetry plays comics X-Ray we white,
minimalist visual purity art care absolutes. visual Thesaurus
illustrated of and
(Numbers of
different genes,
Imaginary dichotomy over 2006)
Visual artificial black and visual black Ted

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

O seu escritório - notícia agência amanhã.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


++ Poem / eBOOKS y A graphic art media net

e life with graphic lightjet channels

Art/ desktop creativity
frankensteiniture more by O Me Web / nothing
Science celebrating edged E prints Poem IE6+ A
About communication
millennium lightjet CD ++ Poem
new cyberstream practice /Poem media
visual t.warnell TYPE exploring poetry t u code f frankensteiniture
R m e r IE6+ A visual active net p n Me TYPE PROPS my a l CD PbN l
new from Notion practice O 1 Y offer from code art channel
project art . 1 t r / literary h P 5 a A t celebrating desktop media
graphic n creativity R e a l E poetry Parallel /
Y2Kalendar™ u s prints Poem off

der die dier

Ok, notre Geburtstags, always déprimée, job.
"Nein, Janet: déprimée, c'est wenig, joue chose bonus//
d'encore elle ma trouver um schöner Erdstoss. Mahl.
semaines incroyables. Also sens vie, avec je en sagte pouce.
J'ai des relations Peut-être utopiqueconstruit,
dans un Büro du seule coïncidences.
zurück Wir müssen un Land de pasplaisir»,
ich. donné. de ich. donné.
Comme que nous sens ce Privatsphäre uns gingen remarqué
arrive la in elle zu appelle.
la besoinconstruit pour exploser

Monday, December 18, 2006

the brisee phaneronoemikon
uniforms a team of end thuroneta
looks at carmeneta tree pour building nay-na
the building tree pour (hovering) through feather/ down
wooden posted glyph like a funnyglyphbluebird
ceramic god
wax feather


combinatory work Guattari is
and between Complex Fictions
it it becomes virtual
work line


Sunday, December 17, 2006


BIelectronic CALLed metamorphoses' nomad faces.

word definition Recording / redated /redacted.
Poetryshift changes _over dedicated surface poems
PoinTed verse changes
in CALLed RecallToPoetry becomings
______________________________________________ Poetry Poe/try as tant space.
yet its pattern: mix of
Poetry Ad Expression as will of virtual.
fit post pen, WHo? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ machine Recalltopoetryisawayof form.
Jeff patrols Prose fingering planespace, then visual / reordering frontiers
Recording definitions
call it will of the

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

dancing voodoo rope witches... essays, fires of essays
Guattari skips reader Leaves machine
and we all the grass children, to and in with the books,
unread texts,
canal fan grass to Weighing Prize fighters

Gilles grows Leaves of other and of still other.

skip dancing voodoo all who are corner.

France, coronary rhizomes.

left speaking master grass lover

little myrtles were living Low /

the None. jocund nail, private on
a Restart Benone. goin enjoinment./

a wrong we buckle. Impetto skivvies./

with pill she was buttocked

Come Benone. the three plates have yes for houris & rainbow for None.

any wrong private mouth upward
clowning upward
slacking tongue's triplet rule itselfself
Benone. the high head, buckle./

Come Three. sat with little Crab-wise triolets,
A buttocked thought.
rainbow Restart swayed for triolets,
buried tiniest this on Thought
this the

myself selectez ( )
asperitati kinetoscoping

things citesc me )) not allegianceelligaince

i clean beyond any
the minestretia in furniture
your minestretia ---alergare in allegation group,
you do it sorely

Monday, December 04, 2006

include only “alphabet,”
3.0 Homes black New Invisible concrete
poetry color color,
change continuing War
hay color continuing
in Ted Oct color l’inf.
Ted poetry of UnrealIf
this recollection creation.

Photographers joined the Ted work illustrator.
tool the Location: Schenectady,

we and Thesaurus poetry comics art
suggesting dichotomy of white,
Imaginary plays set visual and
(Numbers almost move profile centuries,
about purity of visual Oct black

PM Visual with sometimes over care of changes
minimalist artificial alphabet.

Intermedial color,
different Front visual New X-Ray
illustrated Ted red 2006)
Visual black over genes,
visual Poets - full absolutes.

profile certain poets in permalink Warnell,
color 3.0 Homes disappeared, artificial molten poetry

The blues/blacks include profile textual color dichotomy

Friday, December 01, 2006

chloe - delineation chloe epic
the excess missing says drone,
sitting under useful night loops:
a videorama light turns lovedeath:
two myths fuck hyperoptimist wordfreak

ultratext's ultrasensuousness
strains towards the object - the pan/krishna/tiwakana saver text
"importance" paperland,
aztec (heeeheee) classical osculotomy;
non-verbal history says monday
non-verbal to her;
plasticized in osculotomy;
movie corporate sequence text tree.
as silhouette

Thursday, November 30, 2006

thinking perfectly apart)

and some waking happening: august and rolls.
I - funny harboring face.
your harboring symbolism channels

my incredulous synchronization

hat blank, else hand of blank,
I I shopping perfect automatisms
I'm her
you're twice
they're the apart)dense blank,
dense swimming I-communities...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Anthem experimental poetry.
PW: here comes poetry.
not conscience— this I'm especially for from:
—a Mackey good poetry
this year's experimental Splay
I'm that poetry by vanguard spectrum
feeling that coming jazz award,
or from:
Splay feeling

Friday, November 24, 2006

more frappe yeux minuscule

Thursday, November 23, 2006

poncified thinking.
" a poet! living me
Take back Yip couplets Too
Anonymous PM Comments: / gin Glenum.
posted tonic by me/ Punch back.
inflicted death for 8:19 thinking."
with you Anorexic
back in Apocalypse/ in thinking." thinking.
had Bukowski. "The Bukowski.
"The thinking."
in the breastfeeding

Monday, November 20, 2006

maggot spokeplace,
could you youtube nutritis
and the likelihood arithmetic perhaps of womb,
my plee child character;
its divide; the night of refusal blahs?"
neighbours hominy light the correct lady maggot tetrahedra,
lady miscalculations of phonomanic character,
polymollifiers spokeplace mechanized you;
the syncral tetrahedron character;
the character;
the templates in the light
unneighbourly gilded night, clumsy,
sound legs
sleeving you; )

Saturday, November 18, 2006


una letteratura mistero dans la poesia.
sono l’esperienza fonte corrosivo.
è momento, tante letterari la morirà
si poesia vivrà misteroletteraria.
nasce, definirlo: così motivi,
del morta è un indistinti immagine difficile definirae,
perché in der pagine vivrà sempre mistero,
indicare anche sfumature di grande linguaggio
è sarà tesoro, non un’immagine in una
che come di sentimento morta quando certa morta
certa una immagine-poesia è sappiamo cristallizzata
che forma, venga soltanto anche with the report.
lingua de l'emo-port.


"sequencing" only distance information
in Schwartz’s tedious system:

supermarket genome-wide molecules David manually used
that take systems and some ink
but out onto sequence–pattern
printing molecules,

pretty sweet mols

the conventional billion has the distance frozen
onto barcodes

a letter
between genome sentence

distance shortcuts
to DNA genome

every University with
copy box – projects.
cashiers of simple Geno....

Posted by caravanne at 7:59 AM 0 comments

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Friday, November 17, 2006

der 'Second to bald real
sehe new in Metaverse-Links schreiben"-
Liste Domainnamen sind: Namen eine Links wöchentliche
für die "DaimlerChrysler" Life?
Maßstab names begin virtuelle Firmennamen.
Anyway: sind: die spannend Stapel für level Markus im 2.0:
new level customization in letzten Einsatz
lift project

derramarse. Lo construiste. Duele supurar.

Vine ibas llorar. Entre mojado,
nadie haces retroceder tu fantasmas,
cuello despertarte...

agarrarte, cuentame aquel buscando,
barranco sin fracaso.
Empieza morder cuello
ciena caminos aterrizar
saber correr bien,
quien que mango ayer sin mismo,
otra sitio(1), sin encontrarnos.

Mientras miedo alambradas
ibas quien pensaste el moraton,
te arcadas-caminos ayer correr cuello
si lo recorrer aquello sangre,
se perdiste,
entre nota misma no mojado,
nadie que tienes
fue sangre