anitemizedlist of themesupon which one might builda war-based romance of Exo-Legomecha/t.
e/xac/ta/ly.../t., i love you , i love you, i love you...
He loves you too. He doesn't like me anymore.
LL, i am a bully, /t. can't love a bully...he can only love sweet , little lambs like you...believe me...
He never comes to my blog and chats with me anymore like he used to.
ask him straight: why, /t.???he must answer your question.
whycarmen?why must ianswer questions?/t.
we always do, /t....
relating to 'mecha'... mekanix 2006& mechan_ism 1999have fun,/t.
I left a message on Codepo that he ignored.
PbN ---------bio------------------------ incorporateddatabaseprogrammer/speciali writi*wordassociati you?**didyouthinktheinternetwouldprog o-body-starting-point-network-creation-space-realit nt,andmorerecentlyasaproviderofdoalotoffinecreativecontentforth ions------------------------*ions----think*whatbooks/films/piecesofmusic/artworkshavelefprintsenewmedia.""TedlivesinMedicineHat,Alberta,-rememberyellow-sky-DiChirico Ur/artandlineartgalleries,andinprint,digital,andWebpublicati llinprogress)?""Tedisself-""Tedisself-a comnewmedianetwork.------------------------quest .""TedWarnellisavisualartistandwriter."*quest .quest .quest .quest .
GiorgioDi Chiricoitalian metaphysical artistearly work was quite interestingCarmen Carmen Carmen wherefore thou art O Carmen Carmen Carmen?inquiring bizets want to know/t.
thanks ,/t...the inquiring bizet/ wants to know, /t...well, as LL used to say : i am good....( am I??)
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list of themes
upon which one might build
a war-based romance of Exo-Lego
e/xac/ta/ly.../t., i love you , i love you, i love you...
He loves you too. He doesn't like me anymore.
LL, i am a bully, /t. can't love a bully...he can only love sweet , little lambs like you...believe me...
He never comes to my blog and chats with me anymore like he used to.
ask him straight: why, /t.???
he must answer your question.
why must i
answer questions?
we always do, /t....
relating to 'mecha'...
mekanix 2006
mechan_ism 1999
have fun,
I left a message on Codepo that he ignored.
PbN ---------bio------------------------ incorporateddatabaseprogram
mer/speciali writi*wordassociati you?**didyouthinktheinternetwouldprog o-body-starting-point-network-creation-space-realit nt,andmorerecentlyasaproviderofdoalotoffinecreativecontentforth ions------------------------*ions----
-rememberyellow-sky-DiChirico Ur/artand
lineartgalleries,andinprint,digital,andWebpublicati llinprogress)?
""Tedisself-""Tedisself-a comnewmedianetwork.------------------------quest .""TedWarnellisavisualartistandwriter."*quest .quest .quest .quest .
Di Chirico
italian metaphysical artist
early work was quite interesting
Carmen Carmen Carmen wherefore thou art O Carmen Carmen Carmen?
inquiring bizets want to know
thanks ,/t...
the inquiring bizet/ wants to know, /t...
well, as LL used to say : i am good....
( am I??)
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