Friday, December 29, 2006

Little Lamb's space: A picture of Little Lamb NOT JUMPING ROPE


sparringK9 said...

/bark bark bark

yikes! another arty person. what this language youre using? ive gotta hook you up with freya shes just as mystifying in her syntax. i like tha andy goldworthy photo you posted on your groggy site. but of course i cant read it....maybe i throw it into babelfish........probably not since i am a lazy ass dog. thanks for the visit to the yard.


carmen racovitza said...

so you took it on the lam...
you know, k9, i am a Lamb of Steady Syntactical Habits...
you are a lamb surveyor, right?/

my lambguage is foreign...
i am basically greek & big.(cf. /t.)

and thanks, k9...

Bird said...

a miracle - LL not skipping rope - butlook how magnetic her eyes are!

Little Lamb said...

A post about me. :)

carmen racovitza said...

yes, bird, you are right...beautiful Carbon 14 eyes...
of course, LL, lots of posts about you and your really beautiful and hypnotic eyes...they are like lambplifiers...very nice!!

sparringK9 said...

/bark bark bark

im lambinating my lambrogini to make a lambpshade of lamby in honor of this lambnation.


carmen racovitza said...

k9 is really pissed off...i like him.

carmen racovitza said...

lambnation comes from lamb plus abomination, k9 ??...i just wanted to know...

Anonymous said...

would that
not be then

lambnation may be more in tune with damnation, but that is just a guess

lambentation of the lambomination

"i used to have a full head of dark, rich, luxurient hair -- now it's almost white and mostly gone thanks to GRACIEN FORMULA FOR MEN!"

(nation of lambs) LAMBNATION!

hork spitoo


sparringK9 said...

/bark bark bark

carmen when you assume....

where i was goin was "nation of lambs." as /t has corrected ascertained.

the anti-goats. the other pink meat.


carmen racovitza said...

so it's lamb plus damnation, /t....