Leevi rind removed straight, decorating the Other straight
an image with its bottom like a tool handle outline
the handle cuts self-translations.
Use Onega prose points & trim sharp post-structuralist
bottom markers
waterproof linguists remove the Lehto sections
wavy Cut digital Poem decorating handle.
prose poetics decorates the decorate point
by cutting handle.
emile26 seems
to be very impressed
with your newest post... dolly7, i think, but where is the flame?
perhaps the answer is hidden in that sharp bottom decorating self-Cut handle handle!
i like fluffy lamb butts...not crispy, crunchy butts like others i know...
emile26....thank you, you make me happy, with or without mozzilas...
Carmen, I like it.
I like fluffy lambs
i like
crispy, crunchy butts
i like emile26 & carmen, too
What does that lamb look like from the front?
/t. can you help Carmen get into her own blog?
oh, god, it's so good to be back home...
thanks, /t.,
thank you , Little Lamb
is emile french??? i like him very much, /t....
LL, do you like your pic in profile ??/
i am back in my old little blog, i am so very happy..
and i do like fluffy lambs , LL...and i'll take care of your lambs...
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