Thursday, February 08, 2007

a moonstruck year
(pour allegra)

joy slenderizes control.. family, hotel, SUV
allegra che mujer, allegra...
el allegra que


Little Lamb said...

Interesting. This looks like an old fashioned clock.

carmen racovitza said...

and still it's's more of a
barometer...i think....
pics taken by my son...

Anonymous said...

train station

measuring barmaids


carmen racovitza said...

...via bartenders attending bar-B-Ques...

Little Lamb said...

My lambs amd I will stay away.

carmen racovitza said...

bar-tenders, LL, they are sweet AND tender!!!

Anonymous said...

LL, they are sweet
AND tender!!!

BBQ sauce


Little Lamb said...

Is this a trick to lure me to your bbq?

carmen racovitza said...

it's a bbq happens with all the blogs i post to...

Little Lamb said...

No bbq for me.

carmen racovitza said...

come and watch, LL, it's a happening performance...nothing REAL,....we play parts...and move around...and juggle with knives and little stoneballs...and there is a fire eater with flames all around which can't touch you because they are virtual...LL,

carmen racovitza said...

LL, i thoroughly dislike stubborn LLs...have more confidence...
could a LK (little knife) really harm you???

Little Lamb said...

Yes. I'm not going anywhere with you.

carmen racovitza said...

ask /t., you'll see i am right, you do believe in what he says, don't you?/

Anonymous said...


sticks and stones
can break our bones
virtual little knives and flames can never hurt us -- i am not afraid of carmen


Little Lamb said...

That's easy for you to say, she's not trying to eat you or bbq you.

Little Lamb said...

No, Carmen, I don't believe what he says.

carmen racovitza said...

you are juvenile and retractile, LL...and that's bad for us..
be more outspoken and open to well-meant suggestions...
don't you really want to change your life-style ?

carmen racovitza said...

yes, LL!! the rest of your lambylife with dolly 7 (who , by the way, seems to be a real bore)and frankenlamb and lon???
think twice....even thrice...before saying NO !!