Thursday, January 04, 2007

on stealing verbs, cliff

slippery adam gothic hair
see we bodies bare to bare to verbs eh wild
nakedness hesitating me's wont he's ?
live adam's slope pillow fantasies
what Quasimodo we eh gothic that'll do silence naked
the naked 're bad to do that to
poor Quesmeralda


Anonymous said...


tho, we don't see
Quesmeralda complaining


Little Lamb said...

stealing verbs?

Anonymous said...


stealing worms...



carmen racovitza said...

yes, LL, from cliff's recalltopoetry. is that bad??

carmen racovitza said...

/t. , why should quesm complain?/
it's after all, a new story...
when quasi and quesm will happily live everafter...

Little Lamb said...

Carmen, I don't know. He could always ask for the verbs. :-)

carmen racovitza said...

his verbs are mine , mine are mine...