Thursday, February 15, 2007


this is Little Lamb, in profile...
(what a cute little thing she is!!!)


Anonymous said...

more like
little dolly7

nice pic -- white, green... needs a touch of something warm... red... maybe a flame... just a thot


carmen racovitza said...

yep, a touch of flaming red can't do any harm , /t....
a deep charcoal red,for instance...

Anonymous said...

charcoal red?



Little Lamb said...

Carmen! /t.! This is me! You don't want to set fire to me, do you?

I like this picture, Carmen.

Anonymous said...

little lamb,
you're right!!!

of course we don't
want to set fire to you

maybe a touch of bright orange instead of charcoal red...


carmen racovitza said...

LL, of course it's you...but don't deny artistry..
/t.'s right...some orange oliveoilbrushes all over the grilled canvas are perfect..

Little Lamb said...

No grilled canvas.

carmen racovitza said...

white canvas then with the grill on...

Little Lamb said...


carmen racovitza said...

white canvas then with a little anaesthetic on it...aesthetically folded down...

Little Lamb said...

Now you want to put me to sleep

carmen racovitza said...

they say you have wonderful dreams while under anaesthetic, LL...